
The Health Pooled Fund (HPF) began its third phase in July 2018 and has funding to run until 2023 by the United Kingdom’s Government, the Government of Canada, the Swedish International Development and Cooperation Agency (SIDA), United States Agency for International Development (USAID), Gavi – the Vaccine Alliance and the European Union.

Delivered by:

The HPF head office is in Juba and a network of eight offices in different states. The team in Juba is supported by programme staff at the Fund Manager consortium partners of Crown Agents, International Procurement Agency (IPA), Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) and Montrose International– head offices.

Crown Agents is the consortium lead, responsible for the overarching management of the programme and the Fund, pharmaceutical procurement and freight, and provision of technical assistance. Montrose International provides technical expertise in health service delivery, M&E and communications. IPA provides in-country warehousing and distribution. KIT provides operational research expertise.

Implementing Partners:

Health Pooled Fund is currently working with 12 implementing partners who are delivering services to communities in South Sudan. The implementing partners are: